In the recent case of Sabados v Facebook Ireland [2018], the English High Court ordered Facebook to disclose the identity of a mystery individual who requested that the platform delete the profile of a deceased user of the platform.
Around six months after the death of Mr Mirza Krupalija, Facebook received a request from an individual to delete Mr Krupalija’s personal profile, as well as the page of his band. Facebook duly complied with this request, leaving his long-term partner, Ms Azra Sabados, “devastated by the loss of so much material”.
Ms Sabados made a subject access request to Facebook on the basis that some of that deleted information, (which included photographs, poems and messages between the couple) would have included her own personal data. In response to a subject access request, Facebook confirmed that the data from Mr Krupalija’s profile was no longer available and that it was not able to tell Ms Sabados who requested that her partner’s profile be deleted.Continue Reading The digital beyond: Facebook ordered to disclose circumstances around deleted profile