Following the publication of its “further thoughts” on the European Commission’s proposed new data protection framework, the ICO has now published an in-depth, article-by-article analysis of the proposed General Data Protection Regulation (the Regulation). The ICO pointed out that this is an important opportunity to get the framework correct, as it is likely to remain

On January 10, 2013, Jan Philipp Albrecht, the rapporteur to the EU Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (“LIBE”), presented his draft report (the “Report”) proposing amendments to the European Commission’s proposed Data Protection Regulation (the “Proposed Regulation”).

Albrecht’s amendments to what was already a complex and prescriptive piece of draft legislation

This post was written by Cynthia O’Donoghue.

In its second opinion on the proposed Data Protection Regulation, the Article 29 Working Party suggests that a natural person can be considered identifiable when, within a group of persons, he or she can be distinguished from other members of the group and consequently be treated

This post was written by Cynthia O’Donoghue.

In the Article 29 Working Party’s Opinion on the new EU data protection reforms, the Working Party has carefully studied both the Regulation and the Directive, and has given its first general reaction. The Working Party welcomed the provisions intended to clarify and strengthen the rights of

This post was written by Cynthia O’Donoghue.

On 23 and 24 February 2012, the General Secretariat to the EU presented the proposed Data Protection Regulation to the EU Working Party on Information Exchange and Data Protection (DAPIX), stating that the new proposals were motivated by the European Commission’s (EC) desire to stimulate growth across

This post was also written by Nick Tyler and Regis Stafford.

The American Bar Association (ABA) this week passed an important resolution urging all courts in the U.S. to:

“consider and respect…the data protection and privacy laws of any…foreign sovereign, and the interests of any person who is subject to, or benefits from such laws,

This post was written by Nick Tyler. 

The European Commission today completed its task of reforming the EU Data Protection Directive by sending a draft Regulation to the European Parliament. The draft Regulation contains comprehensive reforms and seeks to harmonise data protection laws across the 27 EU Member States, and to enhance EU citizens’ privacy

This post was also written by Diane Bettino.

Nearly every state in the U.S. has a statute requiring notifications upon discovery of a data security breach.  Most of these laws do not mandate notification to any state authority. T hose few state laws that compel governmental notice are usually satisfied with contemporaneous notice, or