Network and Information Security

The Council of the European Union adopted the EU Network and Information Security (NIS) Directive (the ‘Directive’) 17 May, ready for final adoption by the European Parliament. The Directive, initially proposed in 2013, has been progressing through the EU legislative procedure for some time. As we reported in December last year, the Directive covers

The UK Government Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) has issued an impact assessment (IA) at the end of September on the draft Network and Information Security Directive (the Directive) proposed by the European Commission on 7 February 2013. The Directive aims to achieve a common high level of network and information security across

The European Commission (“EC”) has launched a public consultation on Improving Network and Information Security (“NIS”) in the EU, and is seeking the views of governments, businesses and citizens about their experiences and a proposed European response to cyber incidents.

The EC recognizes that NIS systems underpin complex computer systems in the finance and health