The oracle of Silicon Valley, Mary Meeker – a partner at Kleiner Perkins – just published her highly anticipated 2015 Internet Trends Report.  Meeker’s report is the ultimate compilation of essential technology statistics, and is one of the most widely read and respected insights into the future of the Internet and technology trends.

Encompassing everything from smartphone penetration to drones, messaging apps to India as the next Internet penetration growth market, Meeker, in 197 slides, does a deep dive into technology trends and provides an optimistic future for growth, especially in education, government and health care.

The entire report is well worth the time to read, but below we have highlighted some of the key takeaways.
Continue Reading Into the Future

The Hong Kong Privacy Commissioner of Personal Data (the “Commissioner”) ended 2014 with a special interest in mobile applications (“apps”).

In a media statement published 15 December 2014, the Commissioner reported that versions 4.3 and earlier of Google’s Android operating system contained a flaw that allowed others to read shared memory in mobile

With more and more companies engaging in the field of analytics, companies continue to come up with new and innovative ways to harvest their fields of Big Data. For instance, on Tuesday, the New York Times reported on how a range of start-ups and established tech companies are focusing their analytics efforts on a technology

Today, the Federal Trade Commission released detailed guidance on privacy in the mobile environment – at the same time it announced its largest-ever settlement with an app developer for alleged privacy violations. Combined with aggressive action on mobile privacy issues by the California attorney general’s office, Mobile Privacy Disclosures provides every company associated with

This post was also written by Amy S. Mushahwar.

As we have previously reported,  the Department of Commerce privacy white paper, Consumer Data Privacy in a Networked World: A Framework for Protecting Privacy and Promoting Innovation in the Global Digital Economy, sets forth baseline principles for a consumer privacy bill of rights, which