Cybersecurity is an increasing concern for companies. Last April, the UK Department for Business, Innovation & Skills (BIS) published the 2014 information security breaches survey: technical report. The report comprises the findings from two online questionnaires completed by 1,125 respondents, and contains a number of important cyber-attack statistics for both large organisations and small businesses.

The Article 29 Data Protection Working Party (Working Party) sent a letter to the Council of Europe discussing its first assessment of several cybercrime scenarios presented at the 2014 Cybercrime@Octopus conference (Conference). The scenarios that sought to create “discussion on the consequences of data protection legislation and principles when obtaining such data in a criminal

In April, the UK Department for Business, Innovation & Skills (BIS) published the 2013 information security breaches survey: technical report. The report comprises the findings from four online questionnaires completed by 1,402 respondents, and contains a number of important cyberattack statistics for both large organizations and small businesses. The results clearly indicate that everyone