ENISA, the European Union Agency for Network and Information Security, issued its Annual Incidents Report 2012. The report has been issued under Article 13a of the Common Regulatory Framework Directive (1009/140/EC) for electronic communications networks and services. The report highlights that 18 European Union countries reported 79 significant incidents during 2012. Only

The European Network and Information Security Agency (“ENISA”) has published its first independent overview of how the cyberthreat landscape has evolved over the past few years. The report identifies the most common and dangerous cyberthreats, the methods used by malicious users and potential avoidance measures for web users. ENISA’s findings have ramifications from both an

The “right to be forgotten” as contained in the EU Commission’s Proposed Data Protection Regulation (Proposed Regulation), enhances the existing right to data erasure obligation by including an obligation on data controllers that have personal data public, to inform third parties on the data subject’s request to erase any links to, or copy or replicate

The European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) has published a report on ‘Cyber Incident Reporting in the EU’, and has found that many incidents remain undetected or unreported. As a result, the lack of transparency and information on data security breaches makes it difficult for policy makers to understand the overall impact, and to