The Fall 2022 Edition of the quarterly IT & Data Protection Newsletter by Reed Smith Germany has just been released:
English version
German versionContinue Reading Get your Update on IT & Data Protection Law in our Newsletter (Fall 2022 Edition)
The Fall 2022 Edition of the quarterly IT & Data Protection Newsletter by Reed Smith Germany has just been released:
English version
German versionContinue Reading Get your Update on IT & Data Protection Law in our Newsletter (Fall 2022 Edition)
On 28 April 2020, the Belgian data protection authority (DPA) fined a company €50,000 for having appointed its head of compliance, risk and audit as its data protection officer (DPO). The DPA’s decision is only available in Dutch (here) and in French (here).
What was the breach?
The reason for the fine was not that the DPO had a second role, as this is permitted under article 38(6) of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The DPA issued the fine because it determined that the DPO’s second role required him to make decisions about the purposes and means of processing personal data, and the making of such decisions is a material conflict of interest, which is a breach of article 38(6) of the GDPR.Continue Reading Belgian DPA fines company €50,000 for appointing DPO with conflicting role
In a late night session on 28 June 2019, the German Parliament (Bundestag) passed the Second GDPR Implementation Act (2. Datenschutz-Anpassungs-und-Umsetzungsgesetz EU – 2. DSAnpUG-EU; the Act). The Act is available online in German here and here. For more information on the First German GDPR Implementation Act read our…
The UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has issued a resource for organizations to utilise when hiring and structuring the roles of data protection officers (DPO) under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This blog summarises several key elements of these resources.
DPO checklist
The checklist contains four sections which include:
DPO appointment
An organisation must appoint a DPO if:
Continue Reading ICO issues guidance on hiring and supporting DPOs
On 25 April 2018, the European Parliament’s Civil Liberties, Justice & Home Affairs Committee published a corrigendum (an error to be corrected in a printed work after publication) to the European General Data Protection Regulation ((EU 2016/679) (GDPR).
There are 26 “official” language versions of the GDPR (all European Economic Area countries plus Norway and Iceland). This can create differences in interpretation, with potentially serious ramifications for enforcement and compliance, so harmonising the legislation is a key concern for the EU Parliament. The corrigendum deals mainly with typographical and clerical errors for all language versions of the GDPR. Many of these had previously been requested by Member States for their own language versions.Continue Reading European Parliament publishes a corrigendum to the GDPR