This post was also written by Paul H. Cho.

On May 21, 2014, the California Attorney General, Kamala D. Harris, issued her long-awaited guidance for complying with the California Online Privacy Protection Act (“CalOPPA”).  “Making Your Privacy Practices Public,” which can be found here, provides specific recommendations on how businesses are to comply with

This post was also written by Joshua B. Marker and Katrina M. Kershner.

We previously noted that the California legislature had recently passed and sent to the governor’s desk a number of different data privacy bills this term. This past Friday, California Governor Jerry Brown signed into law one of those bills, AB 370

This post was written by Cynthia O’Donoghue.

Neelie Kroes, Vice President of the European Commission, has signalled her concern over the progress of the adoption of the Do-Not-Track (DNT) standard, which is being developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) as a universal mechanism to communicate relevant consent or lack of consent

The Article 29 Working Party has again told two online advertising groups, the Interactive Advertising Bureau (“IAB”) and the European Advertising Standards Alliance (“EASA”), that their proposed code of conduct for data tracking was still unsuitable as it failed to satisfy the requirements of EU privacy laws, and suggested adoption of the standards unveiled

This post was also written by Chris Cwalina and Frederick Lah.

In VPR Internationale v. Does 1-1017 (C.D. Ill.), Judge Baker opined that Internet Protocol (“IP”) addresses do not — by themselves — qualify as personal information, capable of accurately identifying an individual. While this decision is a landmark ruling for the mass-BitTorrent lawsuits in that it may spell the end of the “pay-up-or-else-schemes”, it may have broader data privacy implications.

In VPR, plaintiff sought to sue over a thousand alleged copyright infringers. The plaintiff did not know the name of these Doe defendants. The plaintiff only knew the defendants by the IP address from which each defendant came. Plaintiff sought to subpoena the Internet Service Providers (ISPs) associated with each IP to learn the identity of each defendant. The court rejected this demand for expedited discovery.Continue Reading Judge Rules IP Address Does Not Identify User

This post was written by Kathyleen A. O’Brien.

On April 6, 2011, California State Senator Alan Lowenthal (D-Longbeach) introduced a version of “do-not-track” legislation in the form of SB 761. An initial hearing will be held by the California Senate Judiciary Committee on April 26.

The bill largely follows the current “do-not-track” framework being

This post was also written by Chris Cwalina and Amy Mushahwar.

We’ve been busy here in Washington with two seminal privacy reports released within a span of two weeks.  At Reed Smith, our interdisciplinary team of former government officials, former in-house attorneys, class action litigators and engineers (in the US and internationally) are reviewing the