Department of Commerce

This post was also written by Amy S. Mushahwar.

As we have previously reported,  the Department of Commerce privacy white paper, Consumer Data Privacy in a Networked World: A Framework for Protecting Privacy and Promoting Innovation in the Global Digital Economy, sets forth baseline principles for a consumer privacy bill of rights, which

Not only did the U.S. Department of Commerce submit an informal paper (as discussed in a previous post on this blog), but it has come to light that intense lobbying from the United States has influenced a “watering down” of the draft EU Data Protection Regulation.

Even within the EU, certain provisions of the

This post was also written by Christopher G. Cwalina and Amy S. Mushahwar.

Today, in a ceremony with much fanfare, Secretary of Commerce John Bryson and Federal Trade Commission Chairman John Liebowitz outlined the Obama administration’s privacy blueprint for a “consumer bill of rights.” Shortly thereafter, the Department of Commerce released its long-awaited consumer privacy

This post was written by Amy Mushahwar.

As promised in our teleseminar last week, we have digested the Department of Commerce Privacy green paper, entitled, “Commercial Data Privacy and Innovation in the Internet Economy: A Dynamic Policy Framework”. The green paper will kick start an ongoing discussion of privacy and we encourage organizations to undertake