Following a previous European Commission recommendation to support the gradual lifting of coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions through mobile data and apps, on 19 October 2020, the European Commission has set up an EU-wide system for the interoperability of track and trace apps.


National contact tracing and warning apps can play a key role in all phases of COVID-19 management by warning users if they had been in contact with someone who has indicated they tested positive for COVID-19 and giving appropriate health advice. Most EU Member States have developed national contact tracing and warning apps which can be used on voluntary basis.

The new ‘gateway’ system allows these national apps across the EU to talk to each other and exploits the full potential of national apps by moving towards a centralised system where they can be interoperable through a single gateway service.

The design of the gateway system builds on the set of technical specifications as set out in the EU Commission Guidelines for interoperability, EU toolbox and the EU Commission and European Data Protection Board guidelines on data protection for contact tracing and warning apps.
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