The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) announced its intent to fine Bounty (UK) Limited (Bounty) £400,000 for breaching the Data Protection Act 1998 (the Act). Due to the timing of this breach, it was governed by the Act rather than by the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR). The maximum penalty permitted under the pre-GDPR regime in the United Kingdom was £500,000.
Bounty was a pregnancy and parenting support club. It provided information packs and goody bags to mothers in exchange for personal data. It also provided a mobile app for users to track their pregnancies, as well as offering a new-born portrait service. Its portrait service was the largest in-hospital service of its kind in the United Kingdom.
Bounty had a data protection policy on its website. The data protection policy stated that Bounty: (i) collected personal data for marketing purposes; and (ii) might share personal data with selected third parties. The data protection policy stated that users might receive communications from Bounty or a third party. However, the policy did not specifically identify third parties or the types of third parties that personal data would be shared with.
Bounty also collected personal data using hard copy cards completed in maternity wards. These cards stated that recipients consented to Bounty processing their personal data if the cards were filled in. The cards also briefly outlined the possibility that personal data could be shared by Bounty. However, again, no detail about third party recipients was included. Recipients were obligated to provide their names and postal addresses when filling the cards in. To avail of Bounty’s services, recipients had no choice but to provide some personal data.
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