Many online platforms are using verification tools to address the broader concern of trustworthiness and credibility on the Internet. With a general move toward a “verified internet,” these online platforms are looking at new verification measures, including facial recognition and other biometric technology. The online adult video platform Pornhub announced last week that it will be introducing biometric technology to verify users who upload videos. In a statement, Pornhub explained that verification will be done by Yoti, a digital identity verification company, “by providing a current photo and government-approved identification document.”
Yoti advertises that it is a “privacy driven” verification solution. The company is a conduit between consumers and the platform owners, like Pornhub. Essentially, a consumer will provide Yoti with their biometric identifier, such as a video or voice recording, plus their government identification. Yoti will then verify that data for the platform owner, such as Pornhub. Pornhub will not see that information, but will rely on the verification to allow the consumer to access their site.
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