behavioral advertising

In 2007, Google bought online ad network DoubleClick, which uses cookies to collect and store data about Google users from their browsing history, to best place clients’ ads. This past June, Google revised its privacy policy to state that users’ activities on other sites tracked by DoubleClick “may be associated with [their] personal information.”  This

This month, the Indianapolis Colts, app developer Yinzcam, Inc., and ultrasonic technology provider Lisnr, Inc., were hit with a federal class action lawsuit in Pennsylvania for violating the Electronic Communications Privacy Act by allegedly allowing the Colts fan app to listen in on users’ personal phone conversations, and use that information for advertising purposes without

In July, the Brazilian Department of Consumer Protection and Defence (‘DPDC’) fined the telecom provider Oi 3.5 million reals ($1.59 million) for recording and selling its subscriber browser data in a case based on Brazilian consumer law dating back to 1990.

The DPDC investigated allegations that Oi had entered into an agreement with British online

This post was also written by Nick Tyler.

On June 22, 2010, the influential Article 29 Working Party (“Working Party”), consisting of all the European Union’s national data privacy regulators, adopted Opinion 2/2010 on online behavioural advertising (the “Opinion”).

In what is being widely viewed as a significant challenge to the future of digital advertising,