Photo of David R. Cohen

Tuesday, December 4, is officially “E-Discovery Day” and Reed Smith is doing its part to participate. Join us as we host a free onehour webinar: “Discovery crossfire: Debating the controversial issues in E-Discovery.”

The program, scheduled for 12-1 p.m. ET, will feature debates on five controversial e-discovery

In the latest step toward finalising a replacement for the defunct Safe Harbor program, the European Commission has published its draft adequacy decision, formally supporting its view that the proposed EU-U.S. Privacy Shield will ensure an adequate level of protection for the transfer of personal data from the EU to U.S. companies which enlist in

This post was also written by Rosanne Kay.

Reed Smith hosted a seminar in its London office to discuss issues companies face arising from poor Records Management, Data Protection, E-Disclosure and the Proposed EU General Data Protection Regulation. Speakers included the UK Information Commissioner’s Office Head of Strategic Liaison, Jonathan Bamford, and Reed Smith

This post was also written by Nick Tyler and Regis Stafford.

The American Bar Association (ABA) this week passed an important resolution urging all courts in the U.S. to:

“consider and respect…the data protection and privacy laws of any…foreign sovereign, and the interests of any person who is subject to, or benefits from such laws,