The UK’s new prime minister, Boris Johnson, has vowed that the UK will leave the EU on October 31, 2019. A unilateral (or “hard”) Brexit poses many privacy and data protection challenges for companies that operate in the UK. Post-Brexit privacy and data protection issues that you need to consider include:
- how to maintain uninterrupted personal data flows between the EU and the UK;
- the UK’s status as a “third country” in the event of a no-deal Brexit, which will impede the transfer of personal data from the UK to the EU;
- whether companies selling into the UK need to appoint a local representative after Brexit;
- the impact Brexit will have on companies’ existing lead supervisory authority structures; and
- the future of eMarketing and ePrivacy laws in the UK.
To read more about these issues and what actions you should take before and following Brexit, click here.