25 May 2019 was GDPR’s first birthday. Since its introduction, privacy and data protection issues have continued to dominate public debate and regulators have signalled that large fines for non-compliance are imminent. Now is an opportune time to review your privacy and data protection regimes. We have more regulatory guidance and case law than we did a year ago, and practices may well have bedded in within your organisation over the last year.

With this in mind, and in lieu of birthday cake, we have prepared a short series of thought-pieces, including a look at what could feature on your to-do list for GDPR year two and some sector-specific snapshots of GDPR’s formative first year:

  • One year of GDPR: How have EU Member States implemented and enforced the new data protection regime?
  • Life Sciences: GDPR is one year old already: 5 things for the life sciences and healthcare industry