The European Commission’s work program for 2015 covers 10 actions for 2015, including a “connected digital single market” across the EU.
As part of the Digital Single Market Package, the Commission aims to conclude negotiations on the European data protection reform and the Regulation, and to propose changes to deal with existing challenges in the sector, such as enhancing cyber security, modernizing copyright, and simplifying rules for consumers making online and digital purchases.
Annex 3, Work Program, sets out REFIT actions (legislative initiatives to simplify and reduce regulatory burdens and ensure that EU legislation is fit for purpose). One proposed action in the “Digital Economy & Society” section includes an evaluation of the E Privacy Directive 2002/58/EC “following agreement on the data protection proposal”. This action however, is expected to be ‘ongoing’ until 2016.
This move towards a connected Digital Single Market, and the economic opportunities, should present positive opportunities for future innovation.