This post was also written by Frederick Lah.
Attorney General (AG) Lawrence Wasden is Idaho’s longest-serving AG, having served since his election in 2002. Wasden has been a strong advocate of consumer protection issues related to privacy, such as marketing scams and Internet safety, particularly with respect to teens and children. He also has served as president of both the National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG), the nonpartisan professional association for state AGs, as well as the chair of the Conference of Western Attorneys General (CWAG), an educational association focusing on legal and policy issues of importance to states in the western U.S.
Reed Smith Data Privacy attorneys Divonne Smoyer and Frederick Lah produced a series of Q&A with AG Wasden. Click here to read the entire interview on The Privacy Advisor.
Also see our previous Q&As with Connecticut AG George Jepsen and Indiana AG Greg Zoeller.